由多倫多總教區屬下華人聖職牧民議會主辦,《生命恩泉》籌辦的「慈悲禧年 – 加拿大華人公教徒大會」已於二零一六年一月二日 (星期六) 完滿舉行。
The “Jubilee of Mercy – Canada Chinese Catholic Conference” hosted by the Chinese Pastoral Council (CPC) of the Archdiocese of Toronto and organized by Fountain of Love and Life (FLL) was held successfully on Jan 2, 2016.
Over 1,100 people attended the event and participated enthusiastically in all the activities of the day to learn and to renew their faith.

“Fountain of Love and Life” has created webpages to upload photos and the audio recordings of the conference, including Archbishop Savio Hon’s keynote speeches and his homily as well as the talks by Fr. Francis Ching, Deacon John Wu and Deacon Paul Ma. We have also uploaded all the homilies of Archbishop Hon from the masses that he celebrated at in the Chinese parishes during this visit to Canada.

簡介 及 備忘Remarks
主禮嘉賓:Opening Address:

Fr. Peter Chin
Chairman of Chinese Pastoral Council

首席講者及彌撒主禮:Keynote Speaker/Mass celebrant:

Most Reverend Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai, S.D.B.
Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples

工作坊主講嘉賓:Workshop Speakers:

十字架同行者修會(Companions of the Cross) 神父
Fr. Francis Ching
Deacon John Wu
Deacon Paul Ma


日期Date 二零一六年 一月二日 (星期六)January 2, 2016 (Saturday)
時間Time 上午八時正 開始 登記入場。 大會日程按此Registration begins at 8:00 am Click here for the rundown
地點Location Canada Christian College 詳情按此Canada Christian College Click here for details
入場Admission 需出示有效門票,參加人數眾多,請盡早到達會場。Valid ticket is required.
午膳Lunch 自費於會場內購買,每份 六 元正。亦可自備午餐Lunchboxes available at Canada Christian College Cafe at $6 each, or bring your own lunch
停車場Parking 車位有限,請共乘車輛到會場。 停車場詳情按此Parking space is limited. Please carpool if possible.Click here for parking details.