Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples
Most Reverend Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai, S.D.B. was ordained in Hong Kong in 1982. He was former president of the Salesians of Don Bosco of China and professor of Theology at the Holy Spirit Seminary College of Hong Kong. In February 2011 , he accepted the appointment of Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI , becoming Titular Archbishop of Diocese of Sila and the Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, the highest position ever held by Chinese in the Vatican.
程明聰神父, 1972年出生於香港,1986年随隨家人移民加拿大。 在安省滑鐵盧攻讀大學期間,他經歷歸向耶穌的轉化,從此積極投入滑鐵盧華人天主教團體 及 ECCCLC (加拿大東岸天主教華人生活營,簡稱「加東」) 的工作。 程明聰神父於2005年在加拿大晉鐸,是第一位加入 十字架同行者修會 (Companions of the Cross) 的華人神父。目前,他是「加東」的神師,並積極參與《生命恩泉》的福傳工作。
Companions of the Cross
Fr. Francis Ming Chung Ching was born in HK in 1972 into a Catholic family. His family immigrated to Toronto in 1986. During his undergraduate studies in Waterloo, he experienced a personal conversion to Jesus and became very active in his faith through involvement with Waterloo Chinese Catholic Community and an annual young adult retreat called Eastern Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp (ECCCLC). He was ordained in 2005 and is the first Chinese ordained as a priest of the religious order Companions of the Cross. He is currently the spiritual director for ECCCLC (Eastern Canada Catholic Chinese Living Camp), and am actively involved in the Fountain of Love and Life Ministry, a Chinese Catholic TV and Radio programming.
Deacon Wu came to Canada from Hong Kong in 1960s studying medical. In 1972, he obtained a doctorate at Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ottawa, and has received a number of medical qualifications. He has been teaching in different Canadian universities, including McGill University and University of Calgary for many years. Since 2007, he would be a school doctor of a Catholic high school in Macau for severn months every year.
"出生於中國大陸,聽到耶穌的名字時已過而立之年,雖沾沾自喜於佛學而不相信天主的存在,在千禧之年卻因主耶穌的召叫,幡然悔悟而受洗,又因主的召叫,在多倫多聖奧斯定修院完成四年學習,於二零一四年五月被祝聖為天主教多倫多總教區終身執事。馬傑執事於上海交通大學獲工學士,美國康奈爾大學獲工商管理碩士,現供職於一間電腦企業,工作之餘,以宣講和文字服務天主聖言,在慈善機構服務教會的寶貝–貧困弱小而急需帮助的人,現與妻子及他們的三個子女居住在多倫多。" - 馬杰執事
Permanent Diaconate of Archdiocese of Toronto
A man, born in China and never heard the name of Jesus until his thirties, used to be contended with Buddhism and refused to believe the existence of God. In the year of Jubilee, touched by the love of Jesus unexpectedly, he repented, believed and was baptized with a new given name – Paul. Following the Lord’s call, Paul entered the Deaconate Program at St. Augustine Seminary in Toronto, completed four years study and was ordained Permanent Deacon in May 2014 at the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto. Paul has Bachelor of Engineering from Shanghai JiaoTong University, Master of Business Administration from Cornell University in the US and Queen’s University in Canada. Paul works full time at a computer company and use his time after-work to serve the word of God through preaching and writing. He also ministers at Opendoor, a Christian charity front, to serve the treasure of the Church – the poor, the needy, and the marginalized. Paul and his wife Maria live in Toronto with their three children.