
活動詳情Event Details

日期 :Date :
二零一六 年 一月 二日,星期六Saturday, January 2, 2016
時間 :Time :
上午 八 時 四十五 分 – 下午 六 時 十五 分, 早上 八 時 十五 分 開始登記8:45 a.m. – 6:15 p.m., registration begins at 8:15 a.m.
地點 :Venue :
Canada Christian College, 50 Gervais Dr, North York, ON M3C 1Z3 (Wynford Drive/Don Mills)
午膳 :Lunch :
自費於 Canadian Christian College Cafe 購買,每份 六 元正。亦可自備午餐Lunchboxes available at Canada Christian College Cafe at $6 each, or bring your own lunch
語言 :Language :
粵語 (設有普通話及英語即時傳譯)Cantonese (with Mandarin and English simultaneous interpretation)
主辦單位 於當晚另設聚餐,讓 與會者 有機會跟 大會嘉賓 相聚,詳情如下:As a finale of the Conference, there will be a dinner gathering for the conference attendees to personally meet with our keynote speaker, other conference speakers, guests and attendees.
聚餐 Dinner
時間 :Time :下午 七 時正 7:00 p.m.
地點 :Venue :皇家御宴Royale Fine Dining & Banquet
聚餐座位有限,欲購從速Seats for dinner are limited therefore first come first serve
特別鳴謝「樂中侍主」負責統籌聚餐 (有關購票後的座位編排等細節,請電郵 Molica Lam molicalam@gmail.com)Special thanks to “Serve the Lord with Joy” for coordinating the dinner gathering (For special seating arrangement requests, please contact Molica Lam molicalam@gmail.com)
門票: (門票不可退款)Ticket Price: (All tickets are non-refundable)
公教徒大會門票:Conference Only Ticket

公教徒大會門票 連 聚餐餐券 套票:Conference + Dinner Combo Ticket

有關公教徒大會About the Conference
請聯絡 《生命恩泉》
電 話: 905-707-7800 或 1-888-606-4808
電 郵: conference@fll.cc
有關聚餐事宜(如座位編排)About the dinner
請聯絡 「樂中侍主」 Molica Lam
電 郵: molicalam@gmail.com
講者 • 講座Speakers

「慈悲禧年加拿大華人公教徒大會」因應教宗方濟各定立的慈悲禧年,以慈悲為主題。大會非常榮幸,邀請了 聖座萬民福音傳播部秘書長 – 韓大輝總主教, 擔任今次大會首席講者 及 彌撒主禮 。韓大輝總主教 為大會準備了兩個主題講座 ;另外, 為加深與會者對天主慈悲的領悟,大會特別安排了三個,分別以國、粵、及英語 進行的工作坊,由 馬杰執事(國)、程明聰神父(粵)、及 鄔維揚執事(英) 主講。詳請如下:
首席講者及彌撒主禮Keynote Speaker/Mass celebrant:
韓大輝總主教 (聖座萬民福音傳播部秘書長)


Most Reverend Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai, S.D.B., Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples

Most Reverend Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai, S.D.B. was ordained in Hong Kong in 1982. He was former president of the Salesians of Don Bosco of China and professor of Theology at the Holy Spirit Seminary College of Hong Kong. In February 2011 , he accepted the appointment of Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI , becoming Archbishop of Diocese of Syracuse and secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, the highest position ever held by Chinese in the Vatican.

韓大輝總主教主講的兩個講座:Two keynote speeches by Archbishop Savio Hon:
《成為慈悲的活標記 — 慈悲禧年的反思》“Becoming A Living Symbol of Mercy – A Reflection in the Holy Year of Mercy”
《傳揚福音、根植教會 –「教會傳教工作法令」頒佈五十週年的反思》“Evangelization and Building the Church – A Reflection on the 50th Anniversary of Ad Gentes” )
工作坊主講嘉賓Workshop Speakers:
程明聰神父Fr. Francis Ching
十字架同行者修會(Companions of the Cross) 神父,「加拿大東岸天主教華人生活營」神師, 並 積極參與《生命恩泉》的福傳工作。
The first Chinese ordained as a priest of the religious order Companions of the Cross. Spiritual director for ECCCLC (Eastern Canada Catholic Chinese Living Camp), and actively involve in the Fountain of Love and Life Ministry.
工作坊主題 (粵語):Workshop Topic (Cantonese):
寬恕: 福傳的力量“The Power of Forgiveness”
鄔維揚執事Deacon John Wu
Obtained a doctorate at Faculty of Medicine Medicine of the University of Ottawa, Deacon Wu has been teaching in different Canadian universities and be a school doctor of a high school in Macau.
工作坊主題 (英語):Workshop Topic (English):
在降生成人的聖言內體驗天主慈悲“Experiencing God’s Mercy Through the Word Incarnate”
馬杰執事Deacon Paul Ma
Deacon Paul Ma was ordained as a permanent deacon on Saturday, May 24, 2014 in St. Paul’s Basilica and has been appointed to serve at Saviour of the World Parish in Mississauga, Ontario.
工作坊主題 (國語):Workshop Topic (Mandarian):
「雅威,雅威是慈悲寬仁的天主,缓於發怒,富於慈愛忠誠」 (出 34:6) “The LORD, the LORD a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity” (Ex 34:6)
其他活動Other Activities:

除了 講座 和 不同主題的工作坊(分別以粵/國/英語進行),大會還準備了 歌曲頌讚 、 敬禮慈悲救主 、 朝拜聖體 、 修和聖事 、 主日提前彌撒 等活動。In addition to talks and workshops, the conference has Praise and Worship, Divine Mercy Celebration, Eucharistic Adoration, Sacrament of Reconciliation, and Sunday Vigil Mass.